the openATV image is meant for USB boot, here is a simple guide for installation
you need a USB Key or USB HDD min 1 GB, i have test a cheap old Laptop SATA HDD
usb cable connect to USB Console Port for Update Bios Settings
and a USB Mod for the HD500HD see here
Install a old openATV 5.1 Image: Download
the install script was only tested with this image!
Flash the openATV 5.1 Image with your webbrower
now connect with putty to your box and run this script:
Code: Alles auswählen
wget -O /tmp/installusb "" && chmod 777 /tmp/installusb && /tmp/installusb
The script starts
Now connect the USB stick and select the device
Important all data will be lost
The USB stick is now formatted and the openATV 7.3 image is loaded and installed.
After the installation is complete, restart the box, remove the USB stick and change the bios to USB boot.
Enable USB support
change with page up/down to USB and add /autoexec_dm500hd.bat
save config and restart
now power off the Box connect the USB Key and start
Box now Booting with openATV 7.3
to boot from flash again change bios setting to flash and delete the entry