Captain, I don't want to fight. I always credit you, for anything I see from you. I always credit OpenATV for whatever you guys do. Religiously! Period, no debate. I have your images on my boxes, I recommend your image, for various reasons, I have no beef with you, your Team or OE-A. Quite the opposite! I respect what you guys do!
But I also respect what my Team does and their reasons for doing what they are doing. There is some history here which must not be forgotten, such as PB servers being raided and so on. So, they decided (before I joined the Team) to get some security going and not to have everything wide open to everyone but to continue contributing in their own way. It was explained to me and I respected it. I later argued for more opening of our GIT and some stuff was published on my insistence (like PB Centre etc.) but...
I still have to see how you guys acknowledge and respect the contributions my teams (PB before and now PurE2) made, like Yocto layer for SH4, Wetek solution for Kodi and E2 to live happily together and so on...
Or this issue - the second generation scripts for H9 series: I helped find the solution when your first generation scripts stopped working. Delfi was trying to fix it, he hit a brick wall, told me, I started searching and got lucky - so I know about it, even though generally speaking I do not know much of the coding side of things, given the fact I am not a coder, so I am not usually privy to all that stuff, only second hand.
Or various other solutions which went into OE-A GIT from our side and not necessarily under the nicks of PB/PurE2 coders, like how to do a SW update properly and so on and on. Anyone ever acknowledged all this from OpenATV?
Because I only see the opposite. And it is becoming annoying! These nasty rumours being spread behind the scenes. Would you kindly cut it out already, it is soooo unbecoming!
For the record: my Team contributes. All the time. In their own way, in their own time. Sometimes under their nicks, sometimes not. Not every member of your Team or OE-A knows this and then spreading this innuendo - with only partial information, with only one side talking - becomes possible and it's getting gross! Biased, partial semi-truths are being spread about, in an OTT manner. Please, stop this, because you know this is not correct, since it is not the whole story. The fact of the matter is: PB and PurE2 have always contributed, are contributing and will continue to contribute to the hobby with any and all important solutions to various problems we find out!
Perhaps we could all remember the "Live and let live" philosophy, not to be extremely rigid and authoritarian (it's so easy to be dogmatic!) and maybe allow others to have a different perspective on things than you?!? Is that too much to ask for? A bit of fairness, a bit of balanced view, respect for the other, respect for difference as such and other people's reasons/arguments?
Thank you kindly in advance for your understanding!
Btw, one more time:
the scripts for this problem (extending flash onto mSD/USB stick) - made by PurE2 - are everywhere, in all the images. Did we bitch about it? Nope! Moreover, the code is in the Zgemma GIT and so on. On purpose! So, what are we talking about here?!? Boot from micro SD, USB or back to internal/NAND by tromoto * Pull Request #21 * zgemma-star/meta-zgemma * GitHub - just so there is no misunderstanding by any means...
This bitching is flying in the face of evidence here and yet... Seriously?!? C'mon...