[HowTo] expand rootfs to 8GB

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Beitrag von twol »

africatwin hat geschrieben:I have installed only OATV, other Images are no option ;-o)) for me. No partitions on SD Cards. One 16GB SD Card and one 32GBG SD Card.

The sdcard needs to be formated with at least one partition to work.
If you cannot get the script to work then try OpenViX where its part of the image routines.
Gigablue Quad 4K plus Giga UE4k Tuner A (FBC -> Unicable gt-sat lnb 28.2E 4 tuners), Tuner B (FBC -> Gigablue unicable lnb 19.2 4 tuners)
Dreambox dm900
Vu+ Uno4kse
Octagon SF8008
Edision Osmio plus 4K
Zgemma H9, H92S, H9Combo
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Registriert: 06 Apr 2013 04:44
Receiver 1: VU+ Solo4k
Receiver 2: AX 4K HD51
Receiver 3: Mutant HD60
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Beitrag von africatwin »

Other Option, we ask Captain, if he can fix this for OATV ;-))
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Receiver 1: AX 61
Receiver 2: Protek 4K mit Sky Modul
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Beitrag von lippei »

man kann aber auch einen Stick benutzen.

FlashExpander installieren und gut .
Gruß Lippei

Protek 4K mit Sky Modul
Pulse 4K openATV 1000GB HDD ,7.5.1
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Registriert: 13 Mär 2019 12:23


Beitrag von skyppy »

work this too for model zgemma h5.2s? O is any way to expand rootfs for zgemma h5.2s ?
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Registriert: 25 Apr 2019 19:38
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Beitrag von Cobble »

Would anyone know why this kills IPTV? Results in a black screen with about 10 secs of audio, then nothing.

Tried it with both Xtream-Editor and Jedi Maker Xtream plug-ins on my H9T.

Also got the same result when I tried it on Openvix and their move-to-sdcard process.
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Beitrag von gorski »

And if servicehisilicon is removed with

Code: Alles auswählen

opkg remove --force-depends enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-servicehisilicon

does that iptv stuff work?

Otherwise, I see no reason why should anything change when you move root to mSD...

In my H9T (mind, with PurE2), I see no difference in that regard...
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Registriert: 25 Apr 2019 19:38
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Beitrag von Cobble »

gorski hat geschrieben:And if servicehisilicon is removed with

Code: Alles auswählen

opkg remove --force-depends enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-servicehisilicon

does that iptv stuff work?

Otherwise, I see no reason why should anything change when you move root to mSD...

In my H9T (mind, with PurE2), I see no difference in that regard...

Still doesn't work if I remove servicehisilicon
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Beitrag von gorski »

Service App > ExtePlayer3 or Gstplayer?

What if you convert your list and use it with E2iPlayer or Kodi?
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Registriert: 25 Apr 2019 19:38
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Beitrag von Cobble »

All's working ok in 6.3
ZGemma H9T - OpenATV 6.3
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Registriert: 30 Apr 2019 20:29

plugin download and remove, no list shown


Beitrag von ay_248 »

I have successfully changed root to sd card and flash expanded,

but when i manually install softcam feed .ipk,

plugin download and removed list disappear,

kindly help how to solve this ...
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Beitrag von Captain »

update h9-sdcard-mover_20191104.zip im ersten Post

* fix not booting after switch to scard for new Images
Bild openATV we are open Source

Boykott GPL violator
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Registriert: 06 Jul 2019 11:38
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Not working on H9S


Beitrag von hb2003a »

It's only showing the boot logo after moving the files. Tried different sd cards and OpenATV 6.3 and 6.4. The files are on the sd card but it hangs somewhere.
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Beitrag von bazbailey »

Same issue as previous post I am afraid
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Beitrag von Cypheros »

Stumbled over the same issue.
Download the file h9-sdcard-mover_20191104.zip from the first entry of this thread and unpack to your hdd. You need three files but don't use the files from the first folder. There is a sub folder h9-sdcard-mover that have the right files. Copy the files h9_mmc.sh, bootargs-mmc.bin and bootargs-nand.bin via FTP to the /tmp folder of your box. Change the file permission of h9_mmc.sh to 755 and execute that script via telnet client. Works like a charm.

Make sure, you use the bin files with a file date of 2019, not the old once from the first folder, dated 2018.
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Registriert: 14 Dez 2019 12:13
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Beitrag von Cypheros »

Or use this file with the correct version: [ATTACH]66367[/ATTACH]
(1.41 KiB) 142-mal heruntergeladen
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Registriert: 06 Jul 2019 11:38
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Beitrag von hb2003a »

That is the solution. Now it works.
Thank you.
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Registriert: 09 Okt 2017 17:45
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Beitrag von bazbailey »

Thanks Cypheros - all good now. Many thanks
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Registriert: 12 Feb 2020 03:48


Beitrag von shippy »

Hi All,

Newbie here ...

I was wondering looking at all these great custom builds like openATV or openViX:

1. These builds are all 60-100+ MB.

2. Is there a way to use such builds or reduce the size thereof, on low RAM/flash DVB cheap boxes, by configuring a USB stick as boot device?

3. Above likely means that either the existing bootloader will allow such USB boot, or a bootloader need be flashed first into the generic DVB box?

4. How about configuring such a USB stick with extended RAM and data partitions besides the boot partition?

5. How slow would USB operation be vs the internal memory one, really?

Any guidelines and tutorials are welcome !

I have been searching online but all the configuration scenarios start with flashing OpenATV or openViX to the internal memory (after perhaps updated bootloader flash) via USB and then proceeding to Open Multiboot or plugins or custom updates.
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Beitrag von twol »

shippy hat geschrieben:Hi All,

Newbie here ...

I was wondering looking at all these great custom builds like openATV or openViX:

1. These builds are all 60-100+ MB.

2. Is there a way to use such builds or reduce the size thereof, on low RAM/flash DVB cheap boxes, by configuring a USB stick as boot device?

3. Above likely means that either the existing bootloader will allow such USB boot, or a bootloader need be flashed first into the generic DVB box?

4. How about configuring such a USB stick with extended RAM and data partitions besides the boot partition?

5. How slow would USB operation be vs the internal memory one, really?

Any guidelines and tutorials are welcome !

I have been searching online but all the configuration scenarios start with flashing OpenATV or openViX to the internal memory (after perhaps updated bootloader flash) via USB and then proceeding to Open Multiboot or plugins or custom updates.

The only current receiver that (as far as I am aware of) has issues with flash memory is the H9 - and if Kodi is the issue usually the images allocate a swap on many of the Emmc receivers.
With the H9, it is really easy to move the root to an SD card as large as you like (OpenViX has built in function to do this), and with the H9 runs anything very well - no need for OpenMultiboot. ....... and Yes it is possible to move the root to a usb, but don‘t see the need when you can use the SD card slot.
In particular, most OE-A image builds (especially OpenATV) use techniques built into the OE-A to configure less such as languages for receivers with small flash Or older receivers - and on the others you can always remove elements such as languages except the one in use.
Gigablue Quad 4K plus Giga UE4k Tuner A (FBC -> Unicable gt-sat lnb 28.2E 4 tuners), Tuner B (FBC -> Gigablue unicable lnb 19.2 4 tuners)
Dreambox dm900
Vu+ Uno4kse
Octagon SF8008
Edision Osmio plus 4K
Zgemma H9, H92S, H9Combo
Beiträge: 7
Registriert: 12 Feb 2020 03:48


Beitrag von shippy »

Ok thanks!

By low memory I meant 32/64MBytes Flash/RAM, as example here:

#Aliexpress US $14.13 11%OFF | HOT Selling full HD H.264 SET TOP TV BOX Satellite Receiver DVB S2 mini Support IKS,IPTV,BissKey,CCcam,Youtube,PVR with USB WIFI
HEIssER Verkauf full HD H.264 SET TOP BOX Satelliten receiver DVB S2 mini Unterstutzung IKS, IPTV, bissKey, CCcam, Youtube, PVR mit USB WIFI auf AliExpress

Any suggestions as to whether a USB root capable bootloader can be flashed via USB on such cheap devices? Or perhaps the generic bootloader itself will look for USB boot partition first upon power up?

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