[HowTo] expand rootfs to 8GB

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Beitrag von gorski »

I think it should work in H9X, as well... I modified the text a bit:

"How to move '/' (root, i.e. all the folders and files) to mmc (MicroSD) card in OpenATV 6.2 image"

One can prepare an mSD card by formatting it in EXT4 (a single active partition). Use freeware "Mini Tool Partition Wizard" Windows app for the task.

Note: it is not necessary, as the script will also do it, inside the box itself.

1. Insert micro SD Card into the back mSD slot of Zgemma H9X/H9.2X series.

2. Download script.zip and extract it. (See my post earlier!)

3. Use FTP Client (FileZilla) App to send the "script" folder to Zgemma H9x/H9.2X > /usr folder.

4. Right click on the script folder > "File attributes" > 755 > check the "Recurse in the subdirectories" > OK.

5. In OpenATV image go to Info Panel > Plugins > Job Manager > Select H9_boot_mSD.sh > Run.

6. "Are you ready to run the script?" > Yes > Run once > wait for it to finish ("Execution Finished").

7. Restart H9X/H9.2X

8. After reboot go to Menu > Information > Memory and see if you have loadsa flash suddenly...

Do correct me, if I'm wrong, please... ;)
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Beitrag von Pastoman »

gorski hat geschrieben:I think it should work in H9X, as well... I modified the text a bit:

"How to move '/' (root, i.e. all the folders and files) to mmc (MicroSD) card in OpenATV 6.2 image"

One can prepare an mSD card by formatting it in EXT4 (a single active partition). Use freeware "Mini Tool Partition Wizard" Windows app for the task.

Note: it is not necessary, as the script will also do it, inside the box itself.

1. Insert micro SD Card into the back mSD slot of Zgemma H9X/H9.2X series.

2. Download script.zip and extract it. (See my post earlier!)

3. Use FTP Client (FileZilla) App to send the "script" folder to Zgemma H9x/H9.2X > /usr folder.

4. Right click on the script folder > "File attributes" > 755 > check the "Recurse in the subdirectories" > OK.

5. In OpenATV image go to Info Panel > Plugins > Job Manager > Select H9_boot_mSD.sh > Run.

6. "Are you ready to run the script?" > Yes > Run once > wait for it to finish ("Execution Finished").

7. Restart H9X/H9.2X

8. After reboot go to Menu > Information > Memory and see if you have loadsa flash suddenly...

Do correct me, if I'm wrong, please... ;)

That's great
well thank you
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Beitrag von zgema »

this system works
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Beitrag von FB1907 »

gorski hat geschrieben:I think it should work in H9X, as well... I modified the text a bit:

"How to move '/' (root, i.e. all the folders and files) to mmc (MicroSD) card in OpenATV 6.2 image"

One can prepare an mSD card by formatting it in EXT4 (a single active partition). Use freeware "Mini Tool Partition Wizard" Windows app for the task.

Note: it is not necessary, as the script will also do it, inside the box itself.

1. Insert micro SD Card into the back mSD slot of Zgemma H9X/H9.2X series.

2. Download script.zip and extract it. (See my post earlier!)

3. Use FTP Client (FileZilla) App to send the "script" folder to Zgemma H9x/H9.2X > /usr folder.

4. Right click on the script folder > "File attributes" > 755 > check the "Recurse in the subdirectories" > OK.

5. In OpenATV image go to Info Panel > Plugins > Job Manager > Select H9_boot_mSD.sh > Run.

6. "Are you ready to run the script?" > Yes > Run once > wait for it to finish ("Execution Finished").

7. Restart H9X/H9.2X

8. After reboot go to Menu > Information > Memory and see if you have loadsa flash suddenly...

Do correct me, if I'm wrong, please... ;)

Great, this system works.
Thanks for your effort
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Registriert: 08 Aug 2018 23:14
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Beitrag von antraks »

Also works with openatv 6.3 Zgemma H9S. Greetings :)
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Registriert: 12 Mai 2018 02:15

compatible sd card


Beitrag von dhealys »

gorski hat geschrieben:Here is a slightly edited "tutorial" from a non-IT person's perspective... :)

========================EXPANDING ZGEMMA H9 FLASH TO MICRO SD CARD=====================

ZGEMMA H9 has a 256 MB Flash, so serious hobbyists need to expand its Flash. There are 2 ways:

1) Flash Expander E2 plugin, to a fast USB 3.0 stick (I wrote in detail about it on this forum and elsewhere) or

2) the following script moving it all from the flash to a fast Micro SD memory card (Zgemma H9 Flodder, as it were... :D ).

Various Micro SD cards have been tested: class4, class 10 and class A1. In principle, they are all working but not every single Micro SD card will work.


Insert the Micro SD card into Zgemma H9 and reboot the box. Check the /var/logs/message file, using the PuTTy app. Log in by writing:

password - for an image you use (for example "pure2" for PurE2 image [without "" signs]).

Now, copy and paste this telnet command into PuTTy:

cat /var/log/messages | grep mmcblk0:

If you see these messages:

Apr 6 19:28:13 zgemmah9t user.info kernel: mmcblk0: mmc0:59b4 USDU1 7.31 GiB
Apr 6 19:28:13 zgemmah9t user.info kernel: mmcblk0: p1


May 20 13:25:49 zgemmah9s user.info kernel: mmcblk0: mmc0:aaaa SC64G 59.5 GiB
May 20 13:25:49 zgemmah9s user.info kernel: mmcblk0: p1

...then you can proceed..

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++LET'S DO IT===============================

Download the "H9 SDcard Mover" attached to this message.

Extract the zip file and copy all 3 files to Zgemma H9 /tmp folder, using FileZilla Client app, for instance.

Now, right click on h9_mmc.sh file > File permissions > 755 > OK.

Warning: all data on your Micro SD card will be lost when your start this script!

Start the script by the following 2 telnet commands:

cd /tmp


Reboot the box and wait for the script to move everything to Micro SD card.

Your Zgemma H9 just got a boost!

Just remember that there is a small price to pay: your flash is larger but the Zgemma H9 might be a bit slower than if everything is running from H9 flash alone.


How to go back to a previous state of things (rollback to rootfs, to NAND)?

Simply flash a new image.


Credit to Captain @ OpenATV

Text edited by gorski, thanx to TerraJoe for the missing IT info...


P.S. Do not mount Micro SD card using pManager (in PurE2 or any kind of Device Manager in any other Enigma2). Then, the script can't umount it. Once I unmounted it, using pManager - it worked!
Look... :mmm_80_anim_gif:
hi, great post. im using flash expander and cant get my sd card to work. what model of sd card are you using. thanks
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Beitrag von gorski »

Flash Expander is partial and more complicated, so eventually it falls apart...

Use full expanding to mSD, m8...

I use 4 different mSD cards and all work without problems... I can't get them out now, sorry... I am using them, ergo... :) But San Disk and alike, some older, some newer...
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Beitrag von manosteel9423 »


I have recently purchased a couple of Gigablue X2s that also have woefully little flash storage. Could a similar process potentially expand that flash with an SD card?
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Beitrag von Papi2000 »

The Gigablue X2 has 256MB Flash. That is normally enough. The problem boxes have 128MB or less Flash memory.
The Gigablue X2 has no SD-Card slot. So only OpenMultiBoot or flashexpander as Plugin is helpful for expanding the flash (Gigablue X2 not neccessary).
Additional all Mipsel boxes are happy with a Swap ~64-128MB on a memory stick in etx4 formatted.
But this is Offtopic here.
---- Einen Receiver kann sich jeder kaufen - Eine stabile E²-Box muß man sich verdienen! ----

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Beitrag von manosteel9423 »

Papi2000 hat geschrieben:The Gigablue X2 has 256MB Flash. That is normally enough. The problem boxes have 128MB or less Flash memory.
The Gigablue X2 has no SD-Card slot. So only OpenMultiBoot or flashexpander as Plugin is helpful for expanding the flash (Gigablue X2 not neccessary).
Additional all Mipsel boxes are happy with a Swap ~64-128MB on a memory stick in etx4 formatted.
But this is Offtopic here.

Thank you for the response. I will just add a usb thumb drive to store EPG and picons to keep the flash memory free for other uses. I appreciate the response!
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Beitrag von gorski »

In theory, one should be able to write a script to move the root to a USB stick, too - as in the case of Zgemma H9x/H9.2x series and with a fast USB 3.0 stick it should be OK. In the line of Flodder, that is...

But for that one needs to know the inner workings of bootloader?

Anyway, as you were told by Papi, 256MB flash is usually enough, at least if Kodi can not run on the box and usually, on older boxes, there is not enough firepower to use Kodi, hence we use E2iPlayer and that should be OK with that flash... However, Kodi + E2iPlayer + all the other possible streaming plugins - then there is a problem...

Good luck!
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Beitrag von ozone1864 »

Captain hat geschrieben:please test tomorrow sdcard with more as 8 gb,

we add a linux update to fix sd card detection

Hello Captain
Thank you for this exclusive and useful tutorial about expanding flash.
About the sd card compatibilty I am planning to buy
Kingston SDCR 32GB Micro-SD Card Class 10 UHS-I U3
since this sd card has very high Read Speed 100 MB/s and Write Speed 80 MB/s
Which reduce difference between NAND FLASH speed and SD card speed
Can you confirm if its compatible ?
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Beitrag von ozone1864 »

Captain hat geschrieben:you dont need the flash expander when rootfs on sd card

you need for kodi only a hdd device to add movie db and movie pictures

If I have 32GB SD card can I divide it into 2 partitions :
First one for extending rootfs 16GB
Second on to be used media/hdd 16GB
Is that possible ?
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Registriert: 20 Feb 2019 15:46


Beitrag von kris1992 »


I have problem with both scripts.
Unfortunately my mmc card named mmcblk0 (dev/mmcblk0)
In script named mmcblk0p1 (dev/mmcblk0p1)
opkg update
opkg install rsync
umount /dev/mmcblk0p1
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk0p1 bs=1M count=150
mkfs.ext4 -L "H9-ROOTFS" /dev/mmcblk0p1
mkdir /tmp/mmc
mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /tmp/mmc
mkdir /tmp/root
mount --bind / /tmp/root
rsync -aAXv /tmp/root/ /tmp/mmc/
umount /tmp/root
umount /tmp/mmc
rmdir /tmp/root
rmdir /tmp/mmc


dd if=/usr/script/bootargs-mmc.bin of=/dev/mtdblock1

echo "****************************************"
echo "* Transfer to mSD done, please reboot *"
echo "****************************************"
sleep 5

If change every name mmcblk0p1 to mmcblk0 script do everything with error in end:
sent 292,786,017 bytes received 320,344 bytes 11,494,367.10 bytes/sec
total size is 291,564,104 speedup is 0.99
rmdir: '/tmp/root': Device or resource busy
128+0 records in
128+0 records out
65536 bytes (64.0KB) copied, 0.031323 seconds, 2.0MB/s
* Transfer to mSD done, please reboot *

If reboot system cant UP... Stopped in boot logo OPEN ATV (logo before logo of system run)
If mount sdcard "dev/mmcblk0" to example created folder and go to this folder i see:
root@zgemmah9s:/tmp/mmc# ls
bin etc lib mnt sbin tmp
boot hdd lost+found proc share usr
dev home media run sys var

/dev/mmcblk0 14.4G 363.9M 13.3G 3% /var/volatile/tmp/mmc

Something wrong for me with this script.


Ok script is good. Everything done. My fault is simple.
We must initialize sdcard in BLUE -> HARD DISK -> Initizalize
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Beitrag von africatwin »

Funktioniert das mit der H9.2S auch? Wenn ich das ausprobiere, bleibt die Box beim Reboot im OPEN ATV Bootlogo stehen.
Die SD Karte wird ordentlich erkannt und das Script läuft auch durch, Box bootet aber nicht.
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Beitrag von twol »

ozone1864 hat geschrieben:If I have 32GB SD card can I divide it into 2 partitions :
First one for extending rootfs 16GB
Second on to be used media/hdd 16GB
Is that possible ?

Yes .......................
Gigablue Quad 4K plus Giga UE4k Tuner A (FBC -> Unicable gt-sat lnb 28.2E 4 tuners), Tuner B (FBC -> Gigablue unicable lnb 19.2 4 tuners)
Dreambox dm900
Vu+ Uno4kse
Octagon SF8008
Edision Osmio plus 4K
Zgemma H9, H92S, H9Combo
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Beitrag von gorski »

Redo it, Africatwin... carefully... :)

Unless partitioning changed in the meantime, in which case that needs to be fixed by coders... :)
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Beitrag von africatwin »

two sd cards doesn't work. i think the script isn't pass for the h9.2s , bootargs changed - whatever ....
my fullbackup works very well , no problem, box lives ;-o))
I have tested a 16GB and 32GB SD Card.
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Beitrag von gorski »

It surely is working in my H9.2S with PurE2...

You mean two partitions, not 2 SD cards?
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Beitrag von africatwin »

I have installed only OATV, other Images are no option ;-o)) for me. No partitions on SD Cards. One 16GB SD Card and one 32GBG SD Card.

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