Imdb search openatv 7.5.1

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Imdb search openatv 7.5.1


Beitrag von dmht16 »


I would like to do an Imdb search for recorded movies. Not only with the epg but in the playlist.

Thanks for your answers.
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Re: Imdb search openatv 7.5.1


Beitrag von s3n0 »


The only one I know is "EMC - Enhanced Movie Center" player. Not "Media Player", that's something else in OpenATV. You open it by pressing the MENU button on the RCU and then open from the EMC menu (Enhanced Movie Center).

Then move the cursor to a file and hold down the INFO or HELP button on the RCU. It should search and display the found IMDB content, based on the content of the file name.

Searching for file (movie) info based on the binary content in the file probably doesn't work there. I don't know.

As for deeper EMC settings, there is a plugin built into OpenATV for this. You can find it in the Plugin MENU and its name is Enhanced Movie Center. This is just a setting for this player. However, it is launched directly via the MENU button. You will find many things in the settings... for example, support for "*.meta" files.
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Re: Imdb search openatv 7.5.1


Beitrag von urie »

You can also do it in movie list
setting memu there is imdb search
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Registriert: 03 Dez 2022 17:34

Re: Imdb search openatv 7.5.1


Beitrag von dmht16 »

Thanks. You two are great. It works. Have a good day.
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Re: Imdb search openatv 7.5.1


Beitrag von s3n0 »

Yes, but it's not the best solution, always tapping the RCU button :).

It would be better if it looked like in the case of KODI. The player in KODI directly downloads the found info online and displays it next to the files that the KODI player found on the local disk. :) Maybe there is a similar player. I dont know.

Or you can also run a KODI alternative on a Linux set-top box, but it's complicated and sometimes a bit buggy.
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Registriert: 03 Dez 2022 17:34

Re: Imdb search openatv 7.5.1


Beitrag von dmht16 »

Ok, I use Kodi Scraper with a raspberry pi. I do not know if it is what you think.
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Re: Imdb search openatv 7.5.1


Beitrag von s3n0 »

No. Normally, on a Linux set top box with Enigma, it is also possible to run KODI. However, it is a lightweight version of the GUI:

Code: Alles auswählen

opkg update
opkg install enigma2-plugin-extensions-kodi
If you want to view available plugins, you can do so, for example, as follows:

Code: Alles auswählen

opkg list | grep -i kodi
In the case of my Vu+ Solo SE V2, I also found something like this:
stb-kodi-vusolose - 21.0+gitr0+068f0f694f-r0 - Kodi Media Center
But I don't know what it's used for. I don't use it, so I can't give you any more advice, sorry.

However, I know that KODI can be run in a lightweight version under Enigma. It requires more powerful hardware and you should also expect minor bugs from time to time.
Beiträge: 13
Registriert: 03 Dez 2022 17:34

Re: Imdb search openatv 7.5.1


Beitrag von dmht16 »

Thanks for your help. I appreciate.

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