Networking iIssues

Beiträge: 7
Registriert: 03 Feb 2022 10:27

Networking iIssues


Beitrag von GeoffatMM »

I am having to rewrite this post as when I initially tried to send it the system had logged me out. When I logged back in the post had not been sent and the detail was lost.

I am new to this forum and am trying to review OpenATV against OpenVix (which is giving me playback issues with recordings). I have a GigaBlue UHD UE 4K box.

I tried to install the stable 6.4 release but got messages about network failures and the need to restart the network then the box reset and rebooted. This cycled several times before I stopped it.

So I tried to install the 7.0 RC1 and the appeared to have worked. I have set my tuners up and the ABM and I can watch programmes. I have successfully transferred my timers.xml and autotimer.xml files so everything looks fine (and indeed the timer recorded programmes correctly last night.

However, I tried to check the recording status initially using my e2remote pro app and I could not get a connection to the box. So I checked the network status and found that using DHCP gave no IP addresses. I reset the addresses manually but although the settings page shows the addresses as set, the network test cannot find them. It must connect occasionally as I tried to download packs updates and it started but then gave me crash warnings and log references to send to this forum. However, I cannot access the box over ftp so cannot recover them to post here (unless someone can tell me how to using just the remote controller).

I recognise this is a release candidate (which is one of the reasons I am giving the feedback) but would appreciate any help that can be offered. I will try to reinstall the 6.4 version today and see if it si still giving a problem.

I have rebooted several times and it makes no difference. I have gone back to OpenVix and it works perfectly again with all connections up. So, I have to conclude that it is either a software issue in the RC1 or an incompatibility with the box.

Can anyone shed any light for me please?



I have now successfully refreshed version 6.4 which installed without any problems this time. Have gone through the process of resetting tuners and timers and now all is working OK. This post can effectively be taken as just feedback on the version 7.0 RC1. I will wait for the full 7.0 version to come out before trying again.

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