Cannot upload new firmware ATV 7.0 onto DM7080

Beiträge: 113
Registriert: 22 Okt 2018 00:02
Hat gedankt: 3 Mal

Cannot upload new firmware ATV 7.0 onto DM7080


Beitrag von Willow5 »

I tried uploading the new firmware on my DM7080 but keep getting these error messages in the console log:

[*] Remounting '/dev/mmcblk0p2' to '/data'
[*] Mounting '/dev/mmcblk0p1' to '/mnt'
/mnt/etc/recovery/backup-hooks.d/ line 4: can't create /mnt/etc/enigma2/fstab.bak: Read-only file system
[*] Unmounting '/mnt'
umount: can't unmount /mnt: Device or resource busy

It is the same after I reboot. How do I resolve this ?

I already updated the flash-rescue using opkg update && update-rescue -v but noticed this in the responses:

Warning: Could not read CA!
Warning: Please consider updating your rescue loader!
Manufacturer ID: c2
Memory type : 20
Memory density : 18
read id ok
comparing 2745 sectors...
erasing 2745 sectors...
writing 43920 pages...
verifying 2745 sectors...
flash done

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