Unable to install WiFi drivers

Beiträge: 9
Registriert: 17 Jun 2021 15:05


Beitrag von Matko »

s3n0 hat geschrieben:I've already sent you a URL. But you didn't answer me. You ignore my messages. So that's where I ended up. Sorry. It's up to you.

you're not helping bro you're arguing..i've been trying to fix that darn thing for 3 days now i have no energy for arguing...and i already tried the links you posted no dice. the package manager refuses to install these drivers...i guess the kernel versions are different or out dated or some other Linux bs.
Beiträge: 9
Registriert: 17 Jun 2021 15:05


Beitrag von Matko »

good news everyone! after 3 days of trying i've finally..... *drum roll*...decided to give up and delete that effing ROM...3 days of my life wasted on trying to install the drivers for that thing! why couldn't just make WIFI work out of the box like all other ROMs/images?! like you pre-installed tons of useless plugins like IMDB, image viewer etc. why couldn't you preinstall the most basic Wi-Fi drivers too?! sorry this might sound like a rant because it is, i'm getting tilted rn...anyway thanks for helping everyone and sorry it's just linux doesnt want to play nice with me..close the thread please
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Beitrag von Papi2000 »

Sorry. Many other user are arguing, that we should not include useless wifi drivers, because they only use lan, and never such crappy thing as wifi. And now?
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