Please can we have auto display setting back? (6.1 ATV)

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Registriert: 20 Aug 2016 16:15

Please can we have auto display setting back? (6.1 ATV)


Beitrag von optic-modsx »

There was an auto display setting which would make the cropped black parts of a movie removed and cover the content of the screen fully.

Please can we have this back?

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Receiver 1: Vu+ Zero 4K
Receiver 2: Vu+ Solo SE V2
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Beitrag von s3n0 »


This problem concerns two facts.
The first one is in the TV aspect ratio setting and the other in the set top box setting.

What exactly is your problem ?

You can find the OpenATV display settings in:
MENU -> Settings -> Video -> Basic Settings -> changing the 4: 3 and 16: 9 settings maybe help you

- default settings are:
for 4: 3 = Pillarbox
for 16: 9 = Letterbox

There is also an option for automatic (detected) resolution that is set according to the HDMI detection (response) from the display.

...if it does not help, it can be a problem as I mentioned in TV settings (aspect ration, overscan settings, aspect ratio, etc.).
Beiträge: 94
Registriert: 08 Sep 2021 14:52
Wohnort: England/North East.
Receiver 1: HiTUBE 4K Combo Plus
Receiver 2: X Mini Solo
Receiver 3: MVision HD 270
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Beitrag von Sat_User »

The procedure described works for some TV but not all. I find video that is displayed in 16.8 letterbox is not correctly stretched with any aspect ratio available but those shown with black bars at the side 4.3 I think, 4.3 panscan stretches that to fill the screen .

I agree with the OP. It would be like a blessing from God to have this done automatically as Kodi does. I use wide zoom in those settings and it works on everything.

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