I don't want to search the internet, but... wouldn't it be possible to switch "AC3 downmix" and "DTS downmix" without having to restart? Directly while Enigma2 is running? Maybe it could be done somehow. I don't know.
If you can't switch while Enigma2 is running, then try a quick restart of the Enigma2/GUI, without a full reboot. It takes less time. But even that will probably be an annoying wait:
Code: Alles auswählen
init 4; sleep 5; init 3;
(you can also find these two shell script functions in my simple "backrest" - backup script, here: https://github.com/s3n0/e2scripts/blob/master/backrest )
Code: Alles auswählen
init_4_with_feedback() {
echo "Stopping the Enigma..."
init 4
while [ "$x" -le 15 ] && [ $(pidof enigma2) ] ; do
x=$(( $x + 1 ))
sleep 1
echo "...$x seconds waiting"
#echo "...Enigma state = "`ps --no-headers -o stat -C enigma2` # debugging output - for testing purpose only
if pidof enigma2 > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
echo "...stopping failed ! the script was aborted !"
exit 1
echo "...successfully stopped after $x seconds."
init_3_with_feedback() {
echo "Starting the Enigma..."
init 3
while [ "$x" -le 120 ] && [ -z "$(timeout 1 wget -q -O -" ] ; do
x=$(( $x + 1 ))
sleep 1
echo "...$x seconds waiting"
echo "...+5 seconds of additional waiting (other Enigma2 modules such as OpenWebif take a long time to start)"
sleep 5; x=$(( $x + 5 ))
echo "...successfully started after $x seconds."
If you edit the "/etc/enigma2/settings" file, you must do it when the Enigma2 is stopped (via the init 4 command). If Enigma2 stops, the Enigma2 stores and overwrite its "/etc/enigma2/settings" file with the current configuration.