Script TV-Control Taste der Fernbedienung (power on/off) keymap?
- Norrin-Radd
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Script TV-Control Taste der Fernbedienung (power on/off) keymap?
die Standard Fernbedienung einer Octagon SF8008 (mit der Bezeichnung SF RCU 04 oder SF8008) hat einen separaten Bereich mit 5 Tasten zur Steuerung eines zweiten Gerätes, Z.B. TV Gerät.) Siehe beigefügtes Bild oben links. Ich habe diese Tasten für meine Soundbar programmiert und das funktioniert auch einwandfrei.
gibt es eine Möglichkeit die hellblaue power on/off Taste über ein script auszuführen? kemap.xml?
die Standard Fernbedienung einer Octagon SF8008 (mit der Bezeichnung SF RCU 04 oder SF8008) hat einen separaten Bereich mit 5 Tasten zur Steuerung eines zweiten Gerätes, Z.B. TV Gerät.) Siehe beigefügtes Bild oben links. Ich habe diese Tasten für meine Soundbar programmiert und das funktioniert auch einwandfrei.
gibt es eine Möglichkeit die hellblaue power on/off Taste über ein script auszuführen? kemap.xml?
Zuletzt geändert von Papi2000 am 28 Dez 2024 15:56, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Grund: Präfix entfernt, weil keine Anleitung!
Grund: Präfix entfernt, weil keine Anleitung!
- RickX
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Re: Script TV-Control Taste der Fernbedienung (power on/off) keymap?
Wenn Du mit „ausführen“ meinst, dass die Taste sozusagen gedrückt werden soll… dann nein.
Die Fernbedienung kann die Box steuern.
Andersrum geht das aber nicht. Die Box kann nicht die Fernbedienung steuern.
Die Fernbedienung sendet IR-Kommandos, die Box empfängt sie. Das ist eine Einbahnstraße.
Evtl. habe ich aber auch nicht verstanden, was Du mit „ausführen“ meinst und eigentlich erreichen möchtest…
Die Fernbedienung kann die Box steuern.
Andersrum geht das aber nicht. Die Box kann nicht die Fernbedienung steuern.
Die Fernbedienung sendet IR-Kommandos, die Box empfängt sie. Das ist eine Einbahnstraße.
Evtl. habe ich aber auch nicht verstanden, was Du mit „ausführen“ meinst und eigentlich erreichen möchtest…
Zuletzt geändert von Papi2000 am 28 Dez 2024 15:57, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Grund: Titel wegen Wegfall Präfix im 1.Post etwas angepasst
Grund: Titel wegen Wegfall Präfix im 1.Post etwas angepasst
- Papi2000
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Re: Script TV-Control Taste der Fernbedienung (power on/off) keymap?
Das geht deshalb nicht, weil die Fernbedienung mit den Tasten anlernbare IR-Befehle mit anderen Codes, und nicht an die Box (keymap.xml-Inhalte), sondern an andere Geräte direkt sendet.
- s3n0
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Re: Script TV-Control Taste der Fernbedienung (power on/off) keymap?
There might be one way... maybe...
If the SoundBar can be turned on using the HDMI-CEC command, then the debugging mode should be enabled in the HDMI plugin.
Then find the appropriate CEC commands for controlling your SoundBar on the internet, or try using (sending) some standardized control codes (CEC commands).
Simply send a command to the HDMI bus, from the set-top box, to turn on/off the SoundBar device. Of course, all devices must be connected in a HDMI-network (via an HDMI HUB, for example, which should be part of better devices, such as a HiFi Receiver, a modern SmartTV, and the like).
However, this is a more complicated procedure - to achieve what I am describing. As a shell script for sending commands to turn on the SoundBar, the default shell script in Enigma2 could also be used, which is run together with the set-top box's standby mode:
/usr/script/ --- this shell script is started when Enigma2 leaves standby mode
/usr/script/ --- this shell script is started when Enigma2 enters standby mode
There might be one way... maybe...
If the SoundBar can be turned on using the HDMI-CEC command, then the debugging mode should be enabled in the HDMI plugin.
Then find the appropriate CEC commands for controlling your SoundBar on the internet, or try using (sending) some standardized control codes (CEC commands).
Simply send a command to the HDMI bus, from the set-top box, to turn on/off the SoundBar device. Of course, all devices must be connected in a HDMI-network (via an HDMI HUB, for example, which should be part of better devices, such as a HiFi Receiver, a modern SmartTV, and the like).
However, this is a more complicated procedure - to achieve what I am describing. As a shell script for sending commands to turn on the SoundBar, the default shell script in Enigma2 could also be used, which is run together with the set-top box's standby mode:
/usr/script/ --- this shell script is started when Enigma2 leaves standby mode
/usr/script/ --- this shell script is started when Enigma2 enters standby mode
Zuletzt geändert von s3n0 am 28 Dez 2024 16:35, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
- Norrin-Radd
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Re: Script TV-Control Taste der Fernbedienung (power on/off) keymap?
Danke für die schnellen Antworten.
Hintergrund (mein Ziel):
Ich habe eine Soundbar (von Denon) geschenkt bekommen, montiert, AC3DOWNMIX deaktiviert (ebenso DTSDOWNMIX), in den HDMI-CEC Einstellungen die Weiterleitung aktiviert und ... funktionier echt gut (starker Sound).
Hin und wieder schaue ich TV mit Bluetooth-Kopfhörern, die über einen Bluetooth Adapter (Sonru) via optisches Kabel mit der SF8008 verbunden sind.
Bisher musste ich lediglich die Kopfhörer aus der Halterung nehmen und die Soundbar (hellblaue Taste) ausschalten.
Das klappt jetzt leider nichtmehr. Um etwas zu hören muss ich leider den DOWNMIX wieder aktivieren und die HDMI-CES Weiterleitung deaktivieren.
Das beides kann man wunderbar scripten und per Hotkey auf einen Funktionstaste (F2) legen.
Ziel war auch das Ausschalten der Soundbar mit in dieses script aufzunehmen, damit ich dann nur EINE Taste drücken muss.
Schade, dass das nicht geht!
Die normale rote Power Taste wird von der Hotkey Funktion erkannt, die hellblaoe Powertaste leider nicht.
Wie Papi2000 schon sagt ist die hellblaue wohl nicht in der keymap.xl
Dennoch Dank!
Hintergrund (mein Ziel):
Ich habe eine Soundbar (von Denon) geschenkt bekommen, montiert, AC3DOWNMIX deaktiviert (ebenso DTSDOWNMIX), in den HDMI-CEC Einstellungen die Weiterleitung aktiviert und ... funktionier echt gut (starker Sound).
Hin und wieder schaue ich TV mit Bluetooth-Kopfhörern, die über einen Bluetooth Adapter (Sonru) via optisches Kabel mit der SF8008 verbunden sind.
Bisher musste ich lediglich die Kopfhörer aus der Halterung nehmen und die Soundbar (hellblaue Taste) ausschalten.
Das klappt jetzt leider nichtmehr. Um etwas zu hören muss ich leider den DOWNMIX wieder aktivieren und die HDMI-CES Weiterleitung deaktivieren.
Das beides kann man wunderbar scripten und per Hotkey auf einen Funktionstaste (F2) legen.
Ziel war auch das Ausschalten der Soundbar mit in dieses script aufzunehmen, damit ich dann nur EINE Taste drücken muss.
Schade, dass das nicht geht!
Die normale rote Power Taste wird von der Hotkey Funktion erkannt, die hellblaoe Powertaste leider nicht.
Wie Papi2000 schon sagt ist die hellblaue wohl nicht in der keymap.xl
Dennoch Dank!
- s3n0
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Re: Script TV-Control Taste der Fernbedienung (power on/off) keymap?
Hi again.
Anyway... if you played around and studied the basic HDMI-CEC communication... then it would still be possible to use a shell script.
You can also assign a shell script action to the RCU function keys in the MENU-GUI via OpenATV. Not only the Enigma2 function, but also the launch of a shell script.
And... this shell script could send the correct CEC command to the SoundBar, to turn it on/off... or just turn on/off the sound-output only (that's also possible !). You just have to find the HDMI address of your SoundBar and also know what CEC command needs to be sent for your SoundBar. Theoretically, standard CEC commands for controlling sound in HDMI devices should also work.
Anyway... if you played around and studied the basic HDMI-CEC communication... then it would still be possible to use a shell script.
You can also assign a shell script action to the RCU function keys in the MENU-GUI via OpenATV. Not only the Enigma2 function, but also the launch of a shell script.
And... this shell script could send the correct CEC command to the SoundBar, to turn it on/off... or just turn on/off the sound-output only (that's also possible !). You just have to find the HDMI address of your SoundBar and also know what CEC command needs to be sent for your SoundBar. Theoretically, standard CEC commands for controlling sound in HDMI devices should also work.
- Norrin-Radd
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Re: Script TV-Control Taste der Fernbedienung (power on/off) keymap?
i posted my reply before reading your comments. sry. very interesting (in deed)!
to be honest, at this point in time I'm not sure how to send an HDMI command from the set-top box, to turn on/off the SoundBar device.
seems i have toget more mature about basic HDMI-CEC communication (as you said).
Maybe you can explain (on an example) on how to enable debug mode, find the HDMI adress of a device and how to send a command to that device?
Of course, all devices must be connected in a HDMI-network
my setup (''HDMI network')
1. Octagon SF8008 STB
2. LG TV
3. Denon soundbar (DHT SR316)
4. SONRU Bluetooth Transmitter/Receiver
re debug mode
i just installed evtest (acccording to a recommendation of chatgpt), but need to find out how to handle this
Evtest output (so far) :
No device specified, trying to scan all of (dev/input/event* available devices
/dev/input/event0: dreambox advanced remote control
/dev/input/event1: Hisi front panel button conrols
i posted my reply before reading your comments. sry. very interesting (in deed)!
to be honest, at this point in time I'm not sure how to send an HDMI command from the set-top box, to turn on/off the SoundBar device.
seems i have toget more mature about basic HDMI-CEC communication (as you said).
Maybe you can explain (on an example) on how to enable debug mode, find the HDMI adress of a device and how to send a command to that device?
Of course, all devices must be connected in a HDMI-network
my setup (''HDMI network')
1. Octagon SF8008 STB
2. LG TV
3. Denon soundbar (DHT SR316)
4. SONRU Bluetooth Transmitter/Receiver
re debug mode
i just installed evtest (acccording to a recommendation of chatgpt), but need to find out how to handle this
Evtest output (so far) :
No device specified, trying to scan all of (dev/input/event* available devices
/dev/input/event0: dreambox advanced remote control
/dev/input/event1: Hisi front panel button conrols
- s3n0
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Re: Script TV-Control Taste der Fernbedienung (power on/off) keymap?
ChatGPT is totaly stupid
It is enough to enable the debugging option in the HDMI CEC configuration - in the OpenATV MENU. This should allow read and write access for the Linux Shell, via the created virtual socket/port "/tmp/hdmicec_cmd". After enabling debug-log file, the file "/home/root/logs/Enigma2-hdmicec-XXXXXXX.log" will be used. Finally it is necessary to restart your set-top box.
Command to generate help:
echo help > /tmp/hdmicec_cmd
View generated help:
cat /tmp/hdmicec_cmd_hlp.txt
I don't feel like looking for which CEC commands are used for your Soundbar, sorry. First try the universal commands, such as switching a CEC-enabled HDMI device to/from Standby mode:
If something happens to the SoundBar in this case... then you can continue your research ;-).
You can open a second terminal window for your set-top box, where you run a linux shell command, to read HDMI responses:
cat < /sys/devices/virtual/cec/hdmi_cec/dev
Or single read of the last one HDMI response:
cat /tmp/hdmicec_msg
Make sure that your Soundbar has HDMI-CEC supported and working ! I also wrote about connecting all devices via HDMI. Is this done ? Are the Soundbar + set-top box somehow connected to the same HDMI network ? These are just the first steps to testing. Using HDMI CEC requires a little IT knowledge :-/.
You also need to make sure that all your HDMI cables are version 1.3 and newer... so that there is no problem with CEC commands, since CEC commands are defined in the table only from HDMI version 1.3. But even that may not be a win. Some cheap Chinese HDMI cables do not have pin 13 connected, intended for CEC communication, even if it is an HDMI 1.4 cable or a newer version of the cable ! Therefore, pay attention to the correct and high-quality type of HDMI cables !
But it will probably be more convenient to always open and read the log file (I don't know exactly where it is created... I forgot... either in the /tmp folder or in the /home/root/logs folder).
There is a lot of information on the internet about using CEC commands, such as:
Some devices may have some functions blocked, such as the MUTE or mute function... and it will only be possible to set the volume to zero or to another value (some volume). So... it's often a laborious process. As I wrote, it's a bit more complicated. Not because it can't be done. But because it takes a long time to find out if it's possible to do it this way via HDMI CEC control.

It is enough to enable the debugging option in the HDMI CEC configuration - in the OpenATV MENU. This should allow read and write access for the Linux Shell, via the created virtual socket/port "/tmp/hdmicec_cmd". After enabling debug-log file, the file "/home/root/logs/Enigma2-hdmicec-XXXXXXX.log" will be used. Finally it is necessary to restart your set-top box.
Command to generate help:
echo help > /tmp/hdmicec_cmd
View generated help:
cat /tmp/hdmicec_cmd_hlp.txt
I don't feel like looking for which CEC commands are used for your Soundbar, sorry. First try the universal commands, such as switching a CEC-enabled HDMI device to/from Standby mode:
Code: Alles auswählen
# echo "4-bit source address + 4-bit target address : command [: operands]"
echo "0F:36" > /tmp/hdmicec_cmd # (STANDBY Broadcast-to-all, i.e. to address the command: leads to "TV remains on"
echo "00:36" > /tmp/hdmicec_cmd # (STANDBY Addressed-to-device the dommand: leads to "TV remains on"
echo "0F:44:6C" > /tmp/hdmicec_cmd ; sleep 0.1 ; echo "0F:45:6C" > /tmp/hdmicec_cmd
#Broadcast-to-ALL : RCU-Button-Pressed : Power-OFF #delay time 0.1s #Broadcast-to-ALL : RCU-Button-Released : Power-OFF
echo "0F:44:6D" > /tmp/hdmicec_cmd ; sleep 0.1 ; echo "0F:45:6D" > /tmp/hdmicec_cmd
#Broadcast-to-ALL : RCU-Button-Pressed : Power-ON #delay time 0.1s #Broadcast-to-ALL : RCU-Button-Released : Power-ON
You can open a second terminal window for your set-top box, where you run a linux shell command, to read HDMI responses:
cat < /sys/devices/virtual/cec/hdmi_cec/dev
Or single read of the last one HDMI response:
cat /tmp/hdmicec_msg
Make sure that your Soundbar has HDMI-CEC supported and working ! I also wrote about connecting all devices via HDMI. Is this done ? Are the Soundbar + set-top box somehow connected to the same HDMI network ? These are just the first steps to testing. Using HDMI CEC requires a little IT knowledge :-/.
You also need to make sure that all your HDMI cables are version 1.3 and newer... so that there is no problem with CEC commands, since CEC commands are defined in the table only from HDMI version 1.3. But even that may not be a win. Some cheap Chinese HDMI cables do not have pin 13 connected, intended for CEC communication, even if it is an HDMI 1.4 cable or a newer version of the cable ! Therefore, pay attention to the correct and high-quality type of HDMI cables !
But it will probably be more convenient to always open and read the log file (I don't know exactly where it is created... I forgot... either in the /tmp folder or in the /home/root/logs folder).
There is a lot of information on the internet about using CEC commands, such as:
Some devices may have some functions blocked, such as the MUTE or mute function... and it will only be possible to set the volume to zero or to another value (some volume). So... it's often a laborious process. As I wrote, it's a bit more complicated. Not because it can't be done. But because it takes a long time to find out if it's possible to do it this way via HDMI CEC control.
Zuletzt geändert von s3n0 am 28 Dez 2024 21:48, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
- Norrin-Radd
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Re: Script TV-Control Taste der Fernbedienung (power on/off) keymap?
i will check your great hints/suggestions and will come back soon.
your help is very much appreciated !!!
i will check your great hints/suggestions and will come back soon.
your help is very much appreciated !!!
- s3n0
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Re: Script TV-Control Taste der Fernbedienung (power on/off) keymap?
I forgot to mention one very interesting and popular website for code developers who need HDMI CEC commands. It will take you a while to learn how to use the website, but it is really good. It prepares a ready-made command in ASCII code for you, which you just copy into the echo command and redirect it to the virtual HDMI port in the Linux Shell:
The developers of this website have my respect. It is a really good website for basic and universal CEC commands.
Usually, some devices on an HDMI CEC network already have their default address. For example, audio devices should have the default number 5. But this can change if there are multiple audio devices (like in your case: Soundbar + HiFi Receiver/Amplifier).
For example... sending standby command, from local device (address is 0), to audio device with address 5 hexadecimal = 0101 binary (4-bit long value):
The developers of this website have my respect. It is a really good website for basic and universal CEC commands.
Usually, some devices on an HDMI CEC network already have their default address. For example, audio devices should have the default number 5. But this can change if there are multiple audio devices (like in your case: Soundbar + HiFi Receiver/Amplifier).
For example... sending standby command, from local device (address is 0), to audio device with address 5 hexadecimal = 0101 binary (4-bit long value):
Code: Alles auswählen
echo "05:36" > /tmp/hdmicec_cmd
- Norrin-Radd
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- Receiver 1: Octagon SF8008
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Re: Script TV-Control Taste der Fernbedienung (power on/off) keymap?
great hints. i have to (and will) investigate in more details .
just a first short feedback
Pressing Soundbar off
22:06:29.7954 Rx: 22:06:29 <Reporting Device Vendor ID>< 87 00
22:06:41.1866 Rx: 22:06:41 <Set System Audio Mode> < 72 00
22:06:41.1873 [ ] volume forwarding to device 00 enabled
22:06:41.3744 Rx: 22:06:41 <Set System Audio Mode> < 72 00
22:06:41.3755 [ ] volume forwarding to device 00 enabled
22:06:43.2456 Rx: 22:06:43 <Reporting Device Vendor ID>< 87 00
Pressing Soundbar on
22:08:44.9886 Rx: 22:08:44 <Reporting Device Vendor ID>< 87 00
22:08:45.1424 Rx: 22:08:45 <Reporting Device Vendor ID>< 87 00
22:08:48.3264 Rx: 22:08:48 <Report Physical Address> < 84 20
22:08:48.4695 Rx: 22:08:48 <Reporting Device Vendor ID>< 87 00
22:08:50.6583 Rx: 22:08:50 <Reporting Device Vendor ID>< 87 00
22:08:51.1533 Rx: 22:08:51 <Reporting Device Vendor ID>< 87 00
22:08:51.6824 Rx: 22:08:51 <Set System Audio Mode> < 72 01
22:08:51.6831 [ ] volume forwarding to device 05 enabled
22:08:51.8363 Rx: 22:08:51 <Set System Audio Mode> < 72 01
22:08:51.8369 [ ] volume forwarding to device 05 enabled
so it seems -as you said- that the soundbar has the device id 05
just a first short feedback
Pressing Soundbar off
22:06:29.7954 Rx: 22:06:29 <Reporting Device Vendor ID>< 87 00
22:06:41.1866 Rx: 22:06:41 <Set System Audio Mode> < 72 00
22:06:41.1873 [ ] volume forwarding to device 00 enabled
22:06:41.3744 Rx: 22:06:41 <Set System Audio Mode> < 72 00
22:06:41.3755 [ ] volume forwarding to device 00 enabled
22:06:43.2456 Rx: 22:06:43 <Reporting Device Vendor ID>< 87 00
Pressing Soundbar on
22:08:44.9886 Rx: 22:08:44 <Reporting Device Vendor ID>< 87 00
22:08:45.1424 Rx: 22:08:45 <Reporting Device Vendor ID>< 87 00
22:08:48.3264 Rx: 22:08:48 <Report Physical Address> < 84 20
22:08:48.4695 Rx: 22:08:48 <Reporting Device Vendor ID>< 87 00
22:08:50.6583 Rx: 22:08:50 <Reporting Device Vendor ID>< 87 00
22:08:51.1533 Rx: 22:08:51 <Reporting Device Vendor ID>< 87 00
22:08:51.6824 Rx: 22:08:51 <Set System Audio Mode> < 72 01
22:08:51.6831 [ ] volume forwarding to device 05 enabled
22:08:51.8363 Rx: 22:08:51 <Set System Audio Mode> < 72 01
22:08:51.8369 [ ] volume forwarding to device 05 enabled
so it seems -as you said- that the soundbar has the device id 05
- s3n0
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Re: Script TV-Control Taste der Fernbedienung (power on/off) keymap?
Hm... so it works ? Or not ?
Or try sending data from an unregistered address to the audio device:
If that doesn't work, you can still look up the specific CEC codes for your Soundbar device (Denon - DHT SR316). You might be able to find them somewhere on the internet.
Or as you noticed, it's also possible to send RCU codes via CEC command. So this method, if you manage to implement and use it, will probably work properly.
That's the problem - that not all CEC commands are supported by every HDMI device. Usually only standby and volume control are supported - by sending CEC commands in the form of RCU codes.
Here ... 2/13893/14 , for example, is a discussion about switching HDMI inputs on Denon devices:
echo "tx 05:82:10:00" .... echo "tx 05:82:20:00" .... echo "tx 05:82:30:00" ....
This solution, theoretically, could also be to switch the input on the Soundbar to HDMI, in which no cable is connected. This could theoretically mute the Soundbar. However, I don't know how the ARC function will deal with this :). It will probably be better to use something that is also compatible with the ARC function :).
Btw, you can find the exact 4-bit address for your HDMI CEC devices, for example, on your TV - if you use your TV as an HDMI HUB. Or if you use your HiFi Receiver as an HDMI HUB, you can find info about HDMI CEC addresses in it (it should be somewhere in the MENU). Then, once you find the exact 4-bit HDMI-CEC address of the SoundBar, translate it into hexadecimal value and use it (instead of number 5 hex = 0101 bin).
--------- EDIT :
I remembered that Soundbars already include the ARC feature - ... UyMQ%3D%3D
And I'm a little worried that when controlling the Volume in the Soundbar via CEC, this may cause minor problems. ARC is a function that has some rules that must be kept in mind as well. What I mean by this is that ARC control probably uses different CEC commands... or that controlling the sound in the Soundbar will probably be a little more complex.
Hm... so it works ? Or not ?
Code: Alles auswählen
echo "05:72:00" > /tmp/hdmicec_cmd # audio HDMI device - volume output TURN OFF
echo "05:72:01" > /tmp/hdmicec_cmd # audio HDMI device - volume output TURN ON
Code: Alles auswählen
echo "F5:72:00" > /tmp/hdmicec_cmd # audio HDMI device - volume output TURN OFF
echo "F5:72:01" > /tmp/hdmicec_cmd # audio HDMI device - volume output TURN ON
Or as you noticed, it's also possible to send RCU codes via CEC command. So this method, if you manage to implement and use it, will probably work properly.
That's the problem - that not all CEC commands are supported by every HDMI device. Usually only standby and volume control are supported - by sending CEC commands in the form of RCU codes.
Here ... 2/13893/14 , for example, is a discussion about switching HDMI inputs on Denon devices:
echo "tx 05:82:10:00" .... echo "tx 05:82:20:00" .... echo "tx 05:82:30:00" ....
This solution, theoretically, could also be to switch the input on the Soundbar to HDMI, in which no cable is connected. This could theoretically mute the Soundbar. However, I don't know how the ARC function will deal with this :). It will probably be better to use something that is also compatible with the ARC function :).
Btw, you can find the exact 4-bit address for your HDMI CEC devices, for example, on your TV - if you use your TV as an HDMI HUB. Or if you use your HiFi Receiver as an HDMI HUB, you can find info about HDMI CEC addresses in it (it should be somewhere in the MENU). Then, once you find the exact 4-bit HDMI-CEC address of the SoundBar, translate it into hexadecimal value and use it (instead of number 5 hex = 0101 bin).
--------- EDIT :
I remembered that Soundbars already include the ARC feature - ... UyMQ%3D%3D
And I'm a little worried that when controlling the Volume in the Soundbar via CEC, this may cause minor problems. ARC is a function that has some rules that must be kept in mind as well. What I mean by this is that ARC control probably uses different CEC commands... or that controlling the sound in the Soundbar will probably be a little more complex.
- Norrin-Radd
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Re: Script TV-Control Taste der Fernbedienung (power on/off) keymap?
i tried all of the recommended commands, unfortunately without any reaction on any device (neiter the soundbar, nor the TV nor the SF8008).
No additional logs in the hdmi-cec log file (except the default heartbeat).
Well, how can i check if a process listens to the the virtual hdmi-cec socket/port /tmp/hdmicec_cmd?
No additional logs in the hdmi-cec log file (except the default heartbeat).
Well, how can i check if a process listens to the the virtual hdmi-cec socket/port /tmp/hdmicec_cmd?
- s3n0
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Re: Script TV-Control Taste der Fernbedienung (power on/off) keymap?
I already wrote how to read this port and also how to view the LOG file. You can find out the Soundbar address first. Or try sending commands to the F address, which is broadcast - for all devices. See if something turns off/on. Or try other CEC commands.
- Norrin-Radd
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Re: Script TV-Control Taste der Fernbedienung (power on/off) keymap?
Your hints are very very much appreciated. i read all of them.
I did all the recommended broadcast and direct commands for volume off/on, stby, power off/on
echo "05:72:00" > /tmp/hdmicec_cmd
echo "05:72:01" > /tmp/hdmicec_cmd
echo "F5:72:00" > /tmp/hdmicec_cmd
echo "F5:72:01" > /tmp/hdmicec_cmd
as well as
echo "0F:36" > /tmp/hdmicec_cmd
echo "00:36" > /tmp/hdmicec_cmd
echo "0F:44:6C" > /tmp/hdmicec_cmd ; sleep 0.1 ; echo "0F:45:6C" > /tmp/hdmicec_cmd
echo "0F:44:6D" > /tmp/hdmicec_cmd ; sleep 0.1 ; echo "0F:45:6D" > /tmp/hdmicec_cmd
without any effect/reaction on any device
i checked /sys/devices/virtual/cec/hdmi_cec/dev, but there is noc cec directory under /sys/devices/virtual
also the file cat /tmp/hdmicec_msg doesn’t exist
however the hdmilog file under /home/root/logs is available an i can see logs which are caused by remote control buttons (on/off, volume up/down...), but only when i press the buttons on the remote contrl
so I was wondering how to verify if a virtual port listener is active (like ps -ef …)
I’m using hdmi cables 2.1 or 2.0. I’m an IT person with 30 years of experiences (wll hopefully not too old
Your hints are very very much appreciated. i read all of them.
I did all the recommended broadcast and direct commands for volume off/on, stby, power off/on
echo "05:72:00" > /tmp/hdmicec_cmd
echo "05:72:01" > /tmp/hdmicec_cmd
echo "F5:72:00" > /tmp/hdmicec_cmd
echo "F5:72:01" > /tmp/hdmicec_cmd
as well as
echo "0F:36" > /tmp/hdmicec_cmd
echo "00:36" > /tmp/hdmicec_cmd
echo "0F:44:6C" > /tmp/hdmicec_cmd ; sleep 0.1 ; echo "0F:45:6C" > /tmp/hdmicec_cmd
echo "0F:44:6D" > /tmp/hdmicec_cmd ; sleep 0.1 ; echo "0F:45:6D" > /tmp/hdmicec_cmd
without any effect/reaction on any device
i checked /sys/devices/virtual/cec/hdmi_cec/dev, but there is noc cec directory under /sys/devices/virtual
also the file cat /tmp/hdmicec_msg doesn’t exist
however the hdmilog file under /home/root/logs is available an i can see logs which are caused by remote control buttons (on/off, volume up/down...), but only when i press the buttons on the remote contrl
so I was wondering how to verify if a virtual port listener is active (like ps -ef …)
I’m using hdmi cables 2.1 or 2.0. I’m an IT person with 30 years of experiences (wll hopefully not too old
- s3n0
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Re: Script TV-Control Taste der Fernbedienung (power on/off) keymap?
Maybe it's some BUG in OpenATV or HDMI CEC bug under Enigma. For example, maybe the access rights to the virtual port are not set (just a guess at a possible problem). Try assigning access rights:
chmod a+x /tmp/hdmicec_cmd
If RCU works normally through Enigma to change volume, then look in the HDMI CEC log file. Use and send to the virtual port, the same command, the one that works and which you will see in the CEC log file.
Regarding activating debug mode in HDMI CEC configuration in GUI MENU... you probably forgot to enable the "command line function" in addition to debug function. You need to enable that too. This means that the last two settings in HDMI-CEC configuration must be set to: enabled.
Maybe it's some BUG in OpenATV or HDMI CEC bug under Enigma. For example, maybe the access rights to the virtual port are not set (just a guess at a possible problem). Try assigning access rights:
chmod a+x /tmp/hdmicec_cmd
If RCU works normally through Enigma to change volume, then look in the HDMI CEC log file. Use and send to the virtual port, the same command, the one that works and which you will see in the CEC log file.
Regarding activating debug mode in HDMI CEC configuration in GUI MENU... you probably forgot to enable the "command line function" in addition to debug function. You need to enable that too. This means that the last two settings in HDMI-CEC configuration must be set to: enabled.
- Papi2000
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Re: Script TV-Control Taste der Fernbedienung (power on/off) keymap?
The access to HDMI must be granted by driver - while particular commands may be blocked. The teason therefore only knows the driver DEV.
- Norrin-Radd
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Re: Script TV-Control Taste der Fernbedienung (power on/off) keymap?
great news:
enabling the "command line function" within the HDMI settings was the enabler
echo "05:36" > /tmp/hdmicec_cmd
works, turns off just the soundbar
(exactly what i was looking for)
I will investigate in scripting and will come back, but have family commitments for today
anyway, this is really great
happy new year !!
enabling the "command line function" within the HDMI settings was the enabler
echo "05:36" > /tmp/hdmicec_cmd
works, turns off just the soundbar

I will investigate in scripting and will come back, but have family commitments for today
anyway, this is really great
happy new year !!
- s3n0
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Re: Script TV-Control Taste der Fernbedienung (power on/off) keymap?
Now all you have to do is:
1. create a shell script
2. put the shell script file in the folder with OpenATV shell scripts "/usr/script" (if the folder is not created, create it)
3. set access rights with "chmod a+x /usr/script/*.sh" on the scripts in the folder
4. then, this shell script should appear, when programming the function button (via OpenATV GUI-MENU) for launching the shell script
But you certainly know (and can handle) all of that since you already have experience in IT.
For example, I would create a shell script that toggles the soundbar sound on/off when the same functional button on the RCU is repeatedly pressed.
If you have anything, feel free to ask... I still don't know everything about Enigmas... and I'm also still learning new and new things with Enigma.
Happy New Year to you too.
Now all you have to do is:
1. create a shell script
2. put the shell script file in the folder with OpenATV shell scripts "/usr/script" (if the folder is not created, create it)
3. set access rights with "chmod a+x /usr/script/*.sh" on the scripts in the folder
4. then, this shell script should appear, when programming the function button (via OpenATV GUI-MENU) for launching the shell script
But you certainly know (and can handle) all of that since you already have experience in IT.
For example, I would create a shell script that toggles the soundbar sound on/off when the same functional button on the RCU is repeatedly pressed.
If you have anything, feel free to ask... I still don't know everything about Enigmas... and I'm also still learning new and new things with Enigma.
Happy New Year to you too.
- Norrin-Radd
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- Beiträge: 60
- Registriert: 01 Jul 2015 00:31
- Receiver 1: Octagon SF8008
- Receiver 2: Octagon SF8008
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- Hat gedankt: 16 Mal
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Re: Script TV-Control Taste der Fernbedienung (power on/off) keymap?
it seems as if i do need some help on getting the required script to work
goal ist to
1. toggle the AC3-DOWNMIX settings (makes the sound redirected to the the headset (via the bluetooth adapter, which is connected to the SF8008))
2. toggle the DTS-DOWNMIX settings (-"-)
3. toggle the HDMI-CEC Volume Forwarding (so i can use the RCU to control the volume of the headsets)
4. to enable/activate the HDMI-CEC Commandline (to enable the HDMI-CEC command to switch off the soundbar)
5. to switch off the soundbar
well, to achieve goal 1 to 4 i think i have to make the required changes in /etc/enigma2/settings (which the attached script does).
to get the changes work i think i have to restart enigma2 - or ?
the challange: restarting enigma2 via (killall -HUP enigma2) takes a couple of seconds AND turns the soundbar on again :-(
i s there a way to avoid a restert or how can i switch the soundbar off after the restart?
your help is appreciated.
observation: changing the AC3-DOWNMIX setting within the sound-settings menu takes immediately effect (even without saving with the green button), without the need to restart enigma2
note1: the commands used in the script work in principle, but the enigma2 restart switches the soundbar back on :-( (and the restart takes a few seconds)
note2: i had to change .sh to.txt in order to get the script attached to this thread
it seems as if i do need some help on getting the required script to work
goal ist to
1. toggle the AC3-DOWNMIX settings (makes the sound redirected to the the headset (via the bluetooth adapter, which is connected to the SF8008))
2. toggle the DTS-DOWNMIX settings (-"-)
3. toggle the HDMI-CEC Volume Forwarding (so i can use the RCU to control the volume of the headsets)
4. to enable/activate the HDMI-CEC Commandline (to enable the HDMI-CEC command to switch off the soundbar)
5. to switch off the soundbar
well, to achieve goal 1 to 4 i think i have to make the required changes in /etc/enigma2/settings (which the attached script does).
to get the changes work i think i have to restart enigma2 - or ?
the challange: restarting enigma2 via (killall -HUP enigma2) takes a couple of seconds AND turns the soundbar on again :-(
i s there a way to avoid a restert or how can i switch the soundbar off after the restart?
your help is appreciated.
observation: changing the AC3-DOWNMIX setting within the sound-settings menu takes immediately effect (even without saving with the green button), without the need to restart enigma2
note1: the commands used in the script work in principle, but the enigma2 restart switches the soundbar back on :-( (and the restart takes a few seconds)
note2: i had to change .sh to.txt in order to get the script attached to this thread
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