Neo3 hat geschrieben:Infinity neo_fhd goes to version 4
beautiful, light, fast
Never mind.Uninteressant.
SleepyHellow2 hat geschrieben:Vielen Dank für das Update.
Was gibt es neues? Auf Anhieb habe ich nichts gefunden.
Neo3 hat geschrieben:Like this?
Neo3 hat geschrieben:Ok, the channell_list I've already prepared for this mod.
Go to the skin root / go to the back folder / create the "sel" folder and paste the "cursor bar"
that you like, it must be ".png", you must call it [sel_50.png] and it must measure 1247 x 50.
Once done, go to the menu and restart, end
The new bar is in your channell_list panel
Code: Alles auswählen
<widget name="list" position="582,160" size="1247,735" backgroundColor="Background" fieldMargins="20" itemsDistances="20" progressbarHeight="12" progressBarWidth="75" progressbarBorderWidth="1" colorServiceRecorded="red" colorServicePseudoRecorded="pink" colorServiceStreamed="green" colorServiceDescription="grey" colorServiceDescriptionSelected="Foreground" foregroundColorServiceNotAvail="#00555555" itemHeight="55" scrollbarMode="showNever" serviceInfoFont="Regular;30" serviceItemHeight="34" serviceNameFont="Regular;34" serviceNumberFont="Regular;34" transparent="1" picServiceEventProgressbar="Infinity_fhd/buttons/progcl.png" selectionPixmap="Infinity_fhd/back/sel/sel_50.png" />
tzyy1970 hat geschrieben:Sf8008atv6.4 invalid skin