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Beitrag von Neo3 »

As I told you the panels are .png
and therefore it cannot be done.
This can be done with label panels and a suitable plugin.
On the original MatrixHD it is possible because it is developed
on the labels.
As for the channellist inside the skin there are 5 of them, is it ever possible that you can't find one you like?
Go to the skin options and tweak a bit, you can change many things.
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Beitrag von medici84 »

Is it possible to create a panel with weather forecast, channel name, signal display (SNR, AGC), frequency + satellite + provider, time (hour + date) - in the primary infobar? In the secondary infobar: CPU temp, RAM free, display info CAM: caid, reader, ecm time, hops? Thank you
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Registriert: 03 Jun 2019 16:03
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Beitrag von Neo3 »

Are you kidding, I hope!
What's in the infobars is already too much.
The box should be used to watch TV channels and not the skin panels.
The skin is our interface between us and the box.
If you then want to look at all the parameters in the infobar,
it just creates a mess and it's useless.
Then I remind you that the image already offers numerous panels
of information.
The skin must be light to be fast, the more things we insert and the more it slows down.
I'm not going to spoil the skin, if you like it take it as is.
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Beitrag von medici84 »

Metrix lite skin has those options, that's why I asked.
Is it possible to add channel name and number, to Metrix 1infoBar Weather? And in the Metrix 2Infobar Health to add: CPU temp, Ram Free, and info for oscam: reader, CAID, ecm time? And is there a possibility to change the color of channel coding ( B I S V N CW ND CO) to yellow color, for better contrast, to better see which coding is included.
I hope you understood me
I would appreciate it if you could add these options. Thanks.
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Registriert: 03 Jun 2019 16:03
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Beitrag von Neo3 »

I understood very well,
Metrix Lite is the MetrixHD plugin.
The image and all its updates
are also done on the plugin that runs the skin,
the Metrixfhd-neo is another thing it is structured differently and making it work on different series already is a feat, plus it does not have the plugin.
Maybe for your needs it is better to put aside the metrixfhd-neo and leave the original skin, so you can modify what you want yourself.
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Beitrag von medici84 »

But Metrix FHD skin is more beautiful to me. That's why I'm interested in these additions, which I suggested to be added, if possible. Please.
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Registriert: 03 Jan 2015 19:14


Beitrag von ulas55 »

hi neo
I have a request from you
I am sharing two pictures.
In one of the pictures, the info bar looks very nice, just the way I wanted it.
I want the info to come out like this when it's pressed once
don't press info twice

Also, I couldn't hide the skin pro settings that appear in the other picture. Why?


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Registriert: 03 Jun 2019 16:03
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Beitrag von Neo3 »

Hi, which version of the OpenATV are you on?
what box do you have?
What do you mean I share 2 images?
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Beitrag von ulas55 »

I am using openatv 7.2.
I want something simple.
I'm asking for something very simple.
When the help/info button is pressed once, the 2nd info bar will appear completely.

Not like the 1st info bar.

can you make the skin xml file for me

Also, I don't have the skin config settings that look like the picture below.

I also tried it in openspa 8.3 software
it works flawlessly.
Except for the things I've written.

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Registriert: 03 Jun 2019 16:03
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Beitrag von Neo3 »

what version of the skin are you using?
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Registriert: 03 Jan 2015 19:14


Beitrag von ulas55 »


Brother, I beg you.

When you press info once, this information will appear completely.
In addition, this information will appear completely at every channel change.

as in this picture.

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Registriert: 03 Jun 2019 16:03
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Beitrag von Neo3 »

Then the images you posted above, by copying and pasting, refer to the year 2019.
It's been more than three years and the OpenATV image from 6.4 stable went on with 6.5 7.0 7.1 and 7.2 of course I had to change the skin according to the image changes.
For example, the "weather icons", in the screenshot above, appear "only in 6.4", from 7.0 onwards they are different.
This is to make you understand that there have been numerous changes and the images above are indicative,
I'm not have them change img with each change.
in conclusion if you want the IB with the information above as in the SIB it can be done, but I repeat that on the 7 series the icons are different from the photo above
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Beitrag von medici84 »

I asked for it too, but still nothing.
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Registriert: 03 Jun 2019 16:03
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Beitrag von Neo3 »

The information you are referring to I placed at the top of the IB for what can enter (skin_Metrix_1InfoBar_infoup) selectable from the options. of the skin. The IBs have many more shuffling options than the Minis and Micros.
You ask for a panel and I can't do this.
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Beitrag von sabrintos »

thanks a lot of your wonderful activity
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Beitrag von medici84 »

I thought, if you added some information (channel name, CPU temp, RAM free, etc.), that could be added to some current options, which are now available. For example, in the 1 infobar weather forecast, to add the name and number of the channel, as well as in the mini 2 infobar health, to add Cpu temp, RAM free, oscam info: CAID, reader, ecm time. I don't think it should be a problem, because if you have added some information, these suggestions can also be added
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Registriert: 03 Jun 2019 16:03
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Beitrag von Neo3 »

But one screen excludes the other,
if you enter everything in one screen as you say, (the first infobar) even if the skin is transparent you can't see what the TV is broadcasting, the skin is our interface with the decoder, it doesn't have to be the (film or program we want see) I repeat again the skin is full of options,
it's fast and elegant, (and I want to keep these priorities) if you really can't combine what you like among the various options, the solution is to install another skin with different characteristics, and/or leave the original one.
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Beitrag von medici84 »

I understand what you are talking about, but obviously we do not understand each other. I say, if they added the name and number of the channel in 1 weather forecast infobar, it would be much better. Try to make it, and you will see that everything is in its place. If you add in the mini 2 infobar, in the upper part you add Cpu temp, free RAM, info for oscam: caid, reader, ecm time, you get a lot, but you don't lose anything. Please add this information, and there will be positive comments for sure.
Beiträge: 215
Registriert: 03 Jun 2019 16:03
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Beitrag von Neo3 »

OK download the 2 new infobars from the link follow the instructions
that I inserted inside the file and you install them.
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Beitrag von medici84 »

Neo3 hat geschrieben:OK download the 2 new infobars from the link follow the instructions
that I inserted inside the file and you install them.

And this is much better. Thanks for . You just replaced another file. I thought of Metrix 2infoBar heatlh- to add infoup(CPU temp, Ram free, oscam info-caid, reader(please), ecm time). Or Metrix Mini second bar + infoup. It's your choice. Thanks again for what you have done. Thanks and good luck

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