CiefpSelectSatellite 1.2 py3

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CiefpSelectSatellite 1.2 py3


Beitrag von ciefp »

CiefpSelectSatellite 1.2 py3

CiefpSelectSatellite is an Enigma2 plugin that allows users to select specific satellite lists and install them on their device.

Main functions:
✅ Overview and selection of satellites - Displays the list of available satellites from the satellites.xml file.
✅ Copy settings - Enables downloading and copying common files and bouquets specific to selected satellites.
✅ Bouquet installation - Transfers the selected satellite lists to the Enigma2 system and refreshes the channels.
✅ Automatic Update – Downloads the latest satellite settings from the GitHub repository.
✅ Simple interface - Intuitive navigation with Copy, Install and Exit options.

📌 Useful for users who want to customize channel lists on their Enigma2 receiver without manually editing files. 🚀

How to use:
start the plugin, select one or more satellites on the left side of the screen
the selected satellites appear in the middle screen where the installation list is created
if you marked a satellite by mistake, clicking on the same satellite will delete it from the installation list
when you mark all the satellites you wanted, click on the copy button
copying completed, click on the install button
your list is installed, reload settings are done, no restart required
OK selection button
green button copying selected files
yellow button installation of selected files
red exit button

..:: ciefpsettings ::..
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Beiträge: 416
Registriert: 25 Aug 2014 07:22
Hat gedankt: 44 Mal
Hat Dank erhalten: 659 Mal

Re: CiefpSelectSatellite 1.2 py3


Beitrag von ciefp »

📡 CiefpSelectSatellite 1.3 py3

Plugin - Description and Use
What does the plugin do?
✅ Enables the selection of satellites from the list of available satellites.
✅ Filters thematic bouquets (EX-YU, Sport, Film, Music, Documentaries, etc.) according to the selected satellites.
✅ Automatically recognizes satellite markers (#SERVICE 1:64) and adds all channels (#SERVICE 1:0) that belong to them.
✅ Searches bouquets and copies only those channels that belong to the selected satellites.
✅ Satellite bouquets are copied to predetermined maps and according to selected satellites.
✅ IPTV, Radio and DVB.T/T2 bouquets are automatically copied with each list.
✅ Installs filtered bouquets in the Enigma2 system and allows users to watch only the desired satellites.
✅ It gives the user the opportunity to create his own list according to his needs.

🔧 How to use the plugin?
1️⃣ Starting the plugin

Install and run CiefpSelectSatellite from the Enigma2 plugin menu.
The plugin will load the list of available satellites from satellites.xml.
2️⃣ Choice of satellites

Use the arrows on the remote control to select the satellites you want.
Press OK to add or remove a satellite from the selection.
The selected satellites appear on the right side of the screen.
3️⃣ Copying the bouquet

Press the GREEN button to filter the bouquets and channels according to the selected satellites.
The plugin searches the bouquets, keeps only the channels from the selected satellites and deletes the rest.
4️⃣ Installation of the bouquet

Press the YELLOW button to install the filtered bouquets in /etc/enigma2/.
The plugin will automatically update Enigma2 and activate the new settings.
5️⃣ Closure

Press the RED button (ROW) to exit the plugin.
ℹ️ Note
🔹 The plugin always downloads the latest available motor settings from github.
🔹 For all those for whom the already available versions were not enough, now you have the opportunity to make your own version.
💡 Result: The user now has the power to create a settings according to his needs! 🎯

🔥 Enjoy watching! 🚀
..:: ciefpsettings ::..
CiefpSelectSatellite 1.3.txt
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