Mr.Servo hat geschrieben:Unfortunately you tested with the old version of the feed, I can see that from the different code line numbers in your crash logs. Did you possibly forget to restart the GUI before your test or maybe you accidentally put it into the usual folder '/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/...'???
Here again the instructions and the program file can be found here: klick here
1. Unzip ZIP and copy all files to the box in the following folder (Attention: Danger of confusion!!!!)
correct: /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/3GModemManager
wrong: '/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/3GModemManager'
2. perform a GUI-Restart
One request: You can make this much easier with the crashlogs: You can attach the crashlogs as a file. Just click on the button "Advanced" at the bottom of your post and then "Manage attachments". There you can attach text files and others (e.g. ZIPs)
Thank you for testing!
hello ok