Die Suche ergab 2 Treffer: mediaplaying

Suchanfrage: +mediaplaying

von FGD
24 Jan 2019 20:55
Forum: OCTAGON SF8008 4K UHD
Thema: AC3 problem with mediaplaying
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 1621

AC3 problem with mediaplaying

Hi, I have problems with AC3 audio during mediaplaying. In basic audio settings AC3 downmix is set to OFF, but once I play media file with AC3 audio, there is no sound. AC3 is working OK on a satellite channel. The problem is only with media files. My box is connected to 5.1 AV receiver via SPDIF. DTS ...
von FGD
22 Jan 2019 08:49
Forum: OCTAGON SF8008 4K UHD
Thema: Network mount for mediaplaying
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 808

Network mount for mediaplaying

I would like to setup a network mediaplaying from my PCs internal harddrive. WIN10 is on my PC. Can you please give me correct setting? Folder is shared on PC, in the box, Mount Network setting, I selected PC IP address for server, I put the path to my Movies folder, then any mediaplayer can just open ...

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