Die Suche ergab 4 Treffer: ax88178a

Suchanfrage: +ax88178a

von Nodeity
14 Jan 2024 09:04
Forum: Welcome
Thema: Attention Australian Beyonwiz Users
Antworten: 274
Zugriffe: 34490

... to openATV for the device that I own. It uses an RTL8153 chipset. I believe this is in progress. If you find a device that uses the AX88179 or AX88178a chipsets then these drivers are already included. I suggested USB 3 as USB 2 can only go up to 480mbps. The best I can find is a Ugreen device ...
von IanSav
14 Jan 2024 07:58
Forum: Welcome
Thema: Attention Australian Beyonwiz Users
Antworten: 274
Zugriffe: 34490

... Gigabit network adapter drivers to be added to openATV for the device that I own. It uses an RTL8153 chipset. I believe this is in progress. If you find a device that uses the AX88179 or AX88178a chipsets then these drivers are already included. I suggested USB 3 as USB 2 can only go up to 480mbps.
von retrofan
08 Nov 2017 19:09
Forum: openATV 6.1 Image Rückmeldungen
Thema: ASIX AX88178A driver on DM7020HD and OpenATV 6.1
Antworten: 9
Zugriffe: 1362

Could someone please test if he can get it work in this combination: Dreambox 7020HD with ASIX AX88178A or AX88179 USB adapter in combination with Fritz!WLAN Repeater 1750E. (directly to Fritz!Box 3490 works). Both router and repeater are in the same network ofcourse. This is to improve the internal ...
von retrofan
01 Okt 2017 10:17
Forum: openATV 6.1 Image Rückmeldungen
Thema: ASIX AX88178A driver on DM7020HD and OpenATV 6.1
Antworten: 9
Zugriffe: 1362

ASIX AX88178A driver on DM7020HD and OpenATV 6.1

Hello, I'm using a Dreambox DM7020HD with OpenATV 6.1 and would like to use an USB ethernet adapter as LAN2 on it. It uses the AX88178A chipset from ASIX. I found the driver in the feed of OpenATV 6.1, however, when installing the driver and testing the netwerk, I get an error for nameserver which ...

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